Saturday, August 30, 2008


Here comes my first blog which is birthday resolutions!I have made some Birthday resolution for Oct 2008!!! Birthday resolutions will be started only from, ill start following it from Oct 3rd 2008 and not before that for sure! ;) But resolutions can be written so that Ill not forget.
They are
1: I shall stick to my resolutions. (lets see)
2. EAT!!! EAT!!! EAT!!! planning to eat as if i have not seen food for the past 3days.. And gain some weight so that I look like a 23year old woman..and not like a school going kid!
i. Start taking breakfast!
ii. Gonna have my lunch early at around 1..
iii. Take something for every 2hours so that my stomach is all the time filled!
v. Gonna have lots of fat items like Ghee, Cheese, etc.
vi. Take dinner at around 9.
Am sure ill gain some Kg at the end of the year.
3. Sleep early in the night so that i wake up early in the morning! and have that peaceful 8hours sleep..
4. Talk less and work more!
5. Stop using mobile for hours and save time for other things on earth.
6. Read.
7. Follow traffic rules!
i. Respect traffic signals and wait for the green light and then ill move. Earlier it was wait for the red light, and then ill move!
ii. Ride slowly.
iii. No arguments with the cops.
8. Do gardening everyday in the MORNING and not in the evening.
9. Watch a lot movies when ever it is possible. Even if it is a bad one.
10. Try to be a good daughter. :)

Things might get added. If so I'll post it in another blog!